
Timing is the bringing together those things that give you control of the activity you are concentrating on.

Some people see timing as luck being in the right place at the right time. For successful people it is more like a schedule and as for those of you that are religious all things are done in the Lords own due time. In sports the difference between winning and losing is decided by seconds. One second sooner on the jump, means an interception. One second sooner set to shoot, avoids a blocked shot in basketball.

The purpose of timing is to add power to your task, activity or project. A well timed activity makes the difference on the power and influence you have in any given situation. It will allow you to be the best there is and the most successful you can be, as long as you have timed everything using these four keys to success.

Have you ever heard a joke where the person had no timing for the punch line, or it was told to the wrong group in the wrong city ( bad timing). Movies are made by cutting milliseconds to create certain emotions or views at just the right time. For example have you every seen a horror movie that wasn’t scary, it was actually funny and not scary, even though they did the same things as most horror films but they changed the timing of the lights or left out the anticipation or they show too much too soon.

Timing gives you power by bring together the things you control with the things you want to influence in the right order to create a reaction that is fairly predictable to accomplish the desired results.

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