
Concentration is the ability to stay focused on what it is you are doing. Concentration or lack there of, is where most mistakes and errors occur in any given endeavor. The human mind is easily distracted unless it is well trained. The other area where concentration is hurt is via preparation most people do not know what it is they are suppose to focus on. When I teach tennis and ask a player what it is that they focus on, they come up with any number answers and few identify the correct one due to lack of knowledge or research. “Watching the ball to the point of contact.” It is the only place that you have control or potential of control over that ball.

Another reason that concentration suffers is that many people have a talent, muscle memory, contacts, tricks or habits that just make them successful because they are able to accomplish something just a little better or a lot better than the competition. The mind works in pictures but many people miss translate those pictures by trying to consciously control their actions there by they miss a few of the control factors required to be successful at the endeavor. Many people do not have to concentrate on walking because there are just so many directions you can go with your feet. That doesn’t mean that you won’t step in the dog droppings if you are not watching where you are walking.

The key to success in concentration is to know what it is you are doing and stay focused on the control point and timing of those points in your endeavor. Just now a lady broke a glass because someone scared her (broke her concentration) by slamming a door closed. The better your concentration on the correct points of control the more successful you will be. There will be fewer errors than the competition or in life itself.

Tennis is an example. Tennis is a sport for a life time. Tennis is one of the few sports that you can train in, play and continue to learn about from age 3 years to 90 years old. You can play competitively or socially. Few players in any sport however take the time and the money to learn and play injury free. To do so would take all the fun out of it (so they think). Yet it is a goal we hope to pass on to all of our students. We do not only teach the things specific to a sport but we all so teach the things that are common for all sports / professional careers. So come join us as we learn line upon line, precept upon percept, concepts and theories, truths and fallacies.






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