Tennis Instruction

Tennis Instruction with Do It Right Sports is more than Imparted Tennis knowledge. We work hard  to take that imparted knowledge and convert it into Wisdom ( the ability to discern or judge what is true, right, or lasting about the knowledge you have and use that knowledge properly). We work with basic principles that apply to not just Tennis. Robert Gibson has played all sports except bungee jumping and curling and has played open Tennis and Volleyball.

Tennis instruction includes helping the individuals learn in multi learning styles and helping them really improve their Visualization skills because that seems to be a dominant skill used by professional athletes. Our students learn to hit the ball with their eyes closed. They learn to practice their Visualization when reviewing their tennis journals, or their tennis analytics.

We are leading the Tennis instruction industry by providing Analytics to our training process. Tennis was the second worst sport in the Analytics arena. We use Boomer a Tennis Robot that acts as one of the ever best statisticians during your practice. The machine will track every ball you hit in with; the Depth, Width, Speed, and NTRP rating level. Players can learn new motor skills and work on them for the usual 10 weeks it takes to learn a new skill and then test their proficiency in either or both Game Mode or Drill Mode. Yes, Boomer can play full matches from level 2.0 to 7.0.

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